Use our calculator to estimate how much stamp duty tax you will need to pay when you purchase a house in England or Northern Ireland. It can also be used to calculate LTT and LBTT for Wales and Scotland, respectively.
Minimise financial risk when buying a home. Discover how home buyer’s insurance and choosing the right conveyancer can safeguard your expenses
A scrollable timeline outlining all the costs involved in buying a home and when you need to pay them.
Learn why buildings insurance is essential for homeowners and what it covers. Discover tips for choosing a policy, and when the start date should be.
Learn how to navigate ending your rental agreement when buying a home, including giving notice after your exchange date, and managing rent and mortgage overlaps.
Secure your belongings from day one with contents insurance, covering everything from electronics to furniture, ensuring peace of mind against theft or damage.
Let's plan your next steps!
Hello, I'm your Fairy Godmover 👋 I'm here to guide you through your home buying process. Let me make you a checklist of everything you'll need to do, and guide you step by step.
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